Concrete Repair Service

We restore a variety of surfaces, such as driveways, sidewalks, foundations, walls and floors with Cementone’s specialized techniques and products. Our rates are competitive and can provide a long-lasting solution for any concrete problem.

Types of Concrete Repairs We Handle

Corroded steel bars

Corrosion is a common problem that can often lead to structural failure. This type of repair involves removing the corroded bar and replacing it with a new, galvanized bar. The new bar should fit properly and be secured in place with grout or mortar.

Crack Repairs

Cracks are one of the most common problems that occur in concrete structures and can cause major structural damage if left untreated. Crack repairs are essential for preventing further deterioration of the concrete structure and ensuring its durability and strength. In Singapore, there are a number of professional crack repair services available to fix any issues you may have with your concrete structure.

These services typically use epoxy injection techniques to strengthen and repair the cracks. This method is often preferred for its ability to fill the crack without compromising the strength of the concrete.


Waterproofing is important for any concrete structure that is exposed to moisture or water. It helps protect the structure from damage caused by water infiltration, as well as improve its overall durability and longevity. In Singapore, there are several professional waterproof

Cracks in concrete surfaces can also lead to structural problems down the road. This type of repair requires a professional company to fill the crack with epoxy and then seal it with waterproofing material. This will help protect the structure from further damage due to moisture or water infiltration.

Spalling Concrete

Spalling concrete is a common issue faced by buildings in Singapore. This problem occurs when the outer layer of concrete starts to flake, chip or break away from the underlying surface. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as age, water infiltration and freeze-thaw cycles. Left unchecked, spalling can have serious consequences for the structural integrity of a building so itโ€™ s important to address the issue as soon as possible.

Cementon can help identify the source of the problem and provide a solution. These solutions typically involve sealing or patching the affected area, followed by a sealant or protective coating to ensure your structure remains safe and sound for years to come.

Filling Cracks and Joints

Over time, the concrete structures in and around Singapore will begin to develop cracks and gaps in their joints. These small imperfections can turn into serious problems if left unaddressed. Fortunately, there are several concrete repair services available in Singapore that specialize in filling cracks and joints.

Cracks and open joints can be repaired using a variety of techniques depending on the size and severity of the damage . Specialized epoxy compounds are often used to fill in the cracks and provide a waterproof seal that resists corrosion and water infiltration.

Compressive Strength Testing

Compressive strength testing is a key element of our concrete repair service. This type of test is carried out to measure the compressive strength of concrete, which is a measure of its resistance to crushing under pressure. A compressive strength test typically involves placing a sample of hardened concrete in a compression machine and measuring the amount of force required to break it down into smaller pieces. The results of this test can then be used to determine the necessary repairs and the correct materials for a successful repair job.

Our Service Commitment

Cementone posses a wealth of experience and track record for any kind of concrete problem you face. Our comprehensive concrete repair service covers maintenance for existing structures, cleaning, patching, caulking and painting of concrete surfaces.

Our understanding of the nuances of concrete repair aids us evaluate the extent of damage, determine what materials and methods are necessary to fix it. Our solutions are designed to be long-lasting, which is especially crucial for structures such as driveways and foundations that need to endure substantial pressure and weight.
Therefore, our professional concrete repair services can help you save time and money by getting the job done quickly and efficiently. It also helps to extend the life of any concrete structure by preventing further damage or deterioration.

Call For a Quote:

(65) 6744 8884

Why is correct identification of crack types and damage important?

Crack identification and damage assessment is a critical step in any concrete repair project. Not only does it ensure that the appropriate repair methods and materials are applied, but it also helps to determine the scope of work necessary to resolve the issues. Accurate identification of crack types and damage can also help identify potential causes so that they can be addressed correctly as part of the repair work.

If an incorrect diagnosis is made, the repair might not effectively address the issue or could even make it worse. Additionally, if any underlying issues are not addressed properly, the same problem may recur in the future.

Can you repair damaged concrete?

Yes, it is possible to repair damaged concrete. Concrete can be damaged due to various factors such as exposure to extreme weather conditions, heavy loads, or soil movement. The most common types of repairs include patching, resurfacing, and structural repairs. Depending on the extent of damage, a professional concrete repair service in Singapore can help assess the situation and recommend the best solution for your needs.

What is the best repair for concrete?

The best repair for concrete depends on the severity of the damage. For minor cracks and chips, often a simple patchwork solution can be applied with a special concrete mix, while more serious damage may require more advanced methods such as injection grouting. Injection grouting is an effective form of structural repair that involves injecting epoxy resin or another type of material into cracks and hollows in the concrete , thus reinforcing the structure and providing a long-lasting solution.

Yes, patching concrete can be worth the effort if it is done correctly. Not only does patching repair the damage and make the surface look better, but it also helps to prevent further damage and protect the structure from water penetration. It is important that patchwork is carried out by a professional concrete repair service in Singapore so that the job is done properly and lasts for many years.

Does concrete repair last?

When it comes to concrete repair, the longevity of the repair will largely depend on the severity of the damage that needs to be repaired. Minor defects like hairline cracks can typically last for many years if properly patched up, but more serious damage such as deep cracks or sinkholes may require more frequent repairs. The material used in the repair also plays an important role in determining how long a repair will last. For instance, concrete repair products that are specifically designed to be highly resistant to water and weathering can help ensure that the repairs will last much longer than standard concrete patching materials.

What are common concrete repair methods?

Concrete repair is necessary to restore the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of concrete structures. Common methods of concrete repair include patching, crack injection, epoxy injection, surface sealing, grinding and polishing, and other more complex techniques.

Patching is a simple repair method used to fill small holes or cracks in concrete surfaces. The patch material must be compatible with the existing concrete structure in order to ensure a strong bond.

Crack injection is another common concrete repair method. This involves injecting a special epoxy resin or other material into cracks and hollows in the concrete, thus reinforcing the structure and providing a long-lasting solution.

Epoxy injection is similar to crack injection but involves injecting a thicker mixture of epoxy resin into large cracks and voids for structural concrete repair.

Epoxy injection is a specialized form of structural concrete repair that involves injecting a thicker mixture of epoxy resin into larger cracks and voids in order to strengthen and seal the structure. This method is typically used when repairing concrete structures with cracks greater than 1/4 inch wide or for general repairs on large, weakened areas. Epoxy injection provides an effective solution to structural problems and can last for many years.

Surface sealing is also a common type of concrete repair, which involves coating the surface with a sealant in order to protect it from weathering, water damage, and other environmental factors. This method can help extend the life of a concrete structure and improve its appearance.

Grinding and polishing are used for more cosmetic repairs such as smoot hing rough surfaces or polishing stained concrete.

Is it better to resurface or replace concrete?

When it comes to repairing or restoring concrete surfaces, there are a few different approaches that you can take. It is important to consider the condition of the concrete as well as your budget when making this decision.

Resurfacing is usually the most cost-effective option for restoring concrete and works best when there is limited damage and the existing surface is in good shape. This involves cleaning, patch repair, and a topping layer of fresh concrete that is applied to the existing surface. The process typically involves cleaning and preparing the existing concrete surface, patching any cracks or holes, applying a bonding agent to ensure adhesion between the new and existing surface, and then adding a fresh top layer of concrete

How do you fix old concrete to new concrete?

When it comes to repairing old concrete to new concrete, the most important element is surface preparation. This is the key step that ensures a successful repair. In order to ensure a strong and lasting bond between the existing and new concrete, all loose material, dirt, rust, oil, grease, paint or other contaminants must be removed before any repair work can begin. Abrasive blasting may be necessary for more stubborn deposits. Once the surface has been prepared, a suitable concrete repair material can be applied and allowed to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For best results, the new concrete should be of a similar grade or quality to the existing concrete and should be reinforced with steel mesh or fibers if necessary.

Will concrete cure to old concrete?

Concrete can be used to repair old concrete surfaces, but it is important to note that the new concrete will not cure to the same hardness and strength of the original concrete. This is because all concrete mixes are formulated differently and have different curing times. Additionally, older concrete may have been exposed to weathering or left untreated for a long period of time which could cause weakening of the material. As such, it is important to inspect the existing concrete before any repair work is done in order to determine the best approach for the job. If necessary, additional reinforcing may be necessary as well as special curing and sealing procedures after installation in order to ensure a long-lasting repair.

Can I use cement to repair concrete?

Yes, you can use cement to repair concrete. Cement is the main binder used in concrete and is applied as a paste or slurry form over cracks or damaged areas of the concrete surface. It is typically mixed with water and other materials such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone to form a strong bonding material that helps fill in and even out the affected areas and provide a stable base for the repair. While cement can be used to repair concrete, it is important to note that it will not provide the same strength or durability as a specialized concrete repair material and may need to be re-applied over time.

How do you fill a large gap in concrete?

Filling a large gap in concrete requires the use of a structural filler. Depending on the size and nature of the gap, different types of fillers may be used. For smaller gaps (up to 1/2 inch), self-leveling sealants are an effective solution. These sealants come in pre-mixed buckets and can be applied with either a trowel or squeegee . For larger gaps (over 1/2 inch), hydraulic cements can be used. These cements are applied in a thick paste form and harden quickly once dry. Both sealants and hydraulics can bond directly to concrete and provide a durable, long-lasting repair.

How can concrete be repaired if reinforcement is corroded?

Filling a large gap in concrete requires the use of a structural filler. Depending on the size and nature of the gap, different types of fillers may be used. For smaller gaps (up to 1/2 inch), self-leveling sealants are an effective solution. These sealants come in pre-mixed buckets and can be applied with either a trowel or squeegee . For larger gaps (over 1/2 inch), hydraulic cements can be used. These cements are applied in a thick paste form and harden quickly once dry. Both sealants and hydraulics can bond directly to concrete and provide a durable, long-lasting repair.

What is the workability of concrete?

Workability of concrete is a measure of the ease with which concrete can be mixed, placed, compacted and finished. It is an important factor in ensuring that the final product will meet required specifications for strength, durability and appearance. There are a variety of tests used to measure workability, such as slump test, flow test, compaction factor test and V-Bee test.

Is wire mesh needed in concrete?

Wire mesh is often used in concrete projects as it helps to reinforce the material and provide additional strength. Therefore, depending on the project being done, wire mesh may be necessary for a successful outcome.

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    Ubi Road 1 Blk 3015A #06-05, Singapore, 408705
